Clark Drive, 1885, Vancouver
+1 604-685-0445
Sigari Habanos
  • Sigari Stranieri
  • Accessori

The Vancouver Cigar Company is the largest cigar shop dealing in authentic Cuban tobacco in Canada, authorized by Havana House, the only legitimate importer of Cuban tobacco to Canada by Habanos SA.


Established in 1996, the Vancouver Cigar Company has been progressively expanding to make itself the largest independent purchaser and seller of fine Cuban cigars in Canada. The principals of the company have been involved in the cigar business since 1985 and opened the first Vancouver Cigar Company store on Broadway in 1996.
During the following two years, the Vancouver Cigar Company opened three new locations in Yaletown, Whistler, and Calgary. Now, with four stores in Western Canada, we continue our tradition of providing the best customer service and finest quality Cuban cigars in the world.
With our online humidor, the Vancouver Cigar Company continues its tradition of offering its clients exclusive tobacco products, unique cigar information, innovative search and rating capabilities, interactive membership activities, multimedia luxuries, and so much more.
Here at the Vancouver Cigar Company our greatest pride is customer service. We guarantee your satisfaction, and our job is to provide our valued colleagues and fellow cigar enthusiasts just like you with the finest range of cigars from all over the world.

Our motto is that we are “Proud to be Your Tobacconist”, so please let us know how we are doing.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us by email at [email protected] or you can call us at:

Telephone: 604-685-0445 or Toll-free: 1-888-942-4427

Hours of Operation:

9am-7pm PST, Mon-Thurs

9am-6pm PST, Friday

10am-6pm PST, Saturday

11am-5pm PST, Sunday