Cornell & Diehl from Beyond Small Batch
From Beyond is a rich, potent, and incredibly complex English mixture that captures Head Blender Jeremy Reeves’ impression of a wonderfully aged, 1990s-era tin of Dunhill Nightcap
From Beyond is a rich, potent, and incredibly complex English mixture that captures Head Blender Jeremy Reeves’ impression of a wonderfully aged, 1990s-era tin of Dunhill Nightcap
Star of the East is one of C&D’s best-selling blends, presented here in flake form.
Dark and cube-cut Burley with Red Virginia ribbon and Perique create a smooth, all day smoke.
A heavy Latakia blend with rough-cut Burley, Bright Virginia flake, and a good amount of rough-cut cigar leaf.
A Scottish type blend of Latakia, Perique, Virginias, Turkish, and Burleys that boasts a heavier Perique component than normally found in a classic Scottish blend.
Il PDR 1878 Sungrown è un ottimo prodotto, dona una fumata completa, non eccessivamente complessa e piacevole anche da fumare distrattamente.
Big brother of our Pase Canoe Flake. Refined, rich and a satisfying smoke.
Big brother of our Passo Canoe Flake. Refined, rich and a satisfying smoke.
A delightfully complex blend of choice Turkish orientals, finest Virginia and hard pressed and broad cut into thick flakes.
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