Undercrown Maduro Robusto
Undercrown Maduro Robusto
Undercrown Maduro Robusto
Crowned with a sun-grown Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper, Balmoral Añejo XO embraces your palate with complex notes of cedar, cacao and peppery spices that finish with a smooth, underlying natural sweetness.
La Aurora Edizione 1903 Corojo comprende 6 linee realizzate con sottofascia e ripieno con gli stessi tabacchi, con l’unica differenza di usare fasce diverse per le diverse soluzioni.
Blended in the style of the flavorful yet Medium Bodied Cuban Cigars. Cigars are rolled in Nicaragua using select Nicaraguan tobaccos and classic cuban blending with a beautiful Cuban triple-cap.
This cigar is the one: full bodied, strong and tasty smoke with creamy wooden, sweet and spicy hints, nutty and citric notes. Is not a cigar for anybody but experts smoke.
The Black Market Filthy Hooligan, once an all Candela wrapped project has morphed into a coveted barber pole style cigar. 2019 marks the sixth spring release of the limited edition Hooligan series.
Partagas Serie D No.6
The A. Flores 1975 Gran Reserva is meticulously crafted in honor of Abe Flores, one of the best and brightest blenders in the business.
As a cigar maker with an award winning lineup from Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, it wasn’t easy to hear someone tell me that there are only two categories of cigars: Cubans and Non-Cubans.
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