Nespresso Ethiopia
Nespresso Ethiopia represents 100% the quality of coffees from Ethiopia. To be combined with cigars with a delicate and light body.
Nespresso Ethiopia represents 100% the quality of coffees from Ethiopia. To be combined with cigars with a delicate and light body.
Gentle lemon yellow and strong bronzed Virginia tobaccos make this mixture.
Dal sito di Kohlhase & Kopp: A mixture of medium strength with a large black Cavendish content, rounded off with equal parts of nutty Burleys and roasted Kentucky.
Medium-cut matured Virginia, Latakia and Oriental tobacco.
A mixture of Dark Fired and various Virginias.
Natural sweetness and “grassy” taste from the Virginia tobacco. Characteristics: an absolute minimum of casing and no top flavour. A very natural tasting tobacco.
Robert McConnell Heritage Latakia Mixture 1848
Three Nuns is an iconic pipe tobacco. The blend was first introduced in Glasgow, Scotland by J & F Bell over 100 years ago.
27 different tobaccos have been blended to achieve this mild and yet satisfying tobacco blend.
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