Savinelli Aroma
Dal sito di Kohlhase & Kopp: A highly aromatic mixture of full-bodied Cavendish and sun-ripened, bright Virginia.
Dal sito di Kohlhase & Kopp: A highly aromatic mixture of full-bodied Cavendish and sun-ripened, bright Virginia.
The traditional Northwest Indian Celebration of Plenty.
Specially selected red Virginias from the Old belt and ripe, bright Virginias, sweetened with Louisiana perique build up this masterpiece of tobacco blending.
A rich, full, matured Virginia with Louisiana Perique.
Golden Virginia tobaccos with a generous portion of Latakia, rounded off with flowery Oriental and a little soft Black Cavendish.
The finest Latakia, Orient tobacco and refined Virginia are toasted. Rich and tasty.
The very essence of the traditional English mixture; rich, elegant, refined and exquisitely balanced.
Virginia No. 1 is composed of 100% bright Virginia tobaccos from 3 continents.
This “Ready Rubbed” was composed mainly of ripe Virginia tobacco and is harmoniously refined with exquisite Burley from Africa.
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