Three Nuns
Three Nuns is an iconic pipe tobacco. The blend was first introduced in Glasgow, Scotland by J & F Bell over 100 years ago.
Three Nuns is an iconic pipe tobacco. The blend was first introduced in Glasgow, Scotland by J & F Bell over 100 years ago.
27 different tobaccos have been blended to achieve this mild and yet satisfying tobacco blend.
Loose cut tobaccos mixed with small cut plugs are mixed together for a better and cooler smoke.
A medium strength blend of Latakia, Virginia and Orient tobacco products offers an extremely smooth aroma.
Since the beginning in 1958 Mac Baren Mixture has become one of the leading blends in the world.
Aromatic Choice makes pipe smoking as easy as possible.
Il Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop è una buona miscela da provare. Offre una fumata calda e appagante, con una buona combustibilità e piacevolezza al palato.
Rich and smooth with high portion of black cavendish, fine cut fruity Virginia and nutty burley combined and refined with great vanilla and chocolate flavors.
Kohlhase Kopp: Ein lieblicher Blend auf Black Cavendish-Basis, der mit hellem Virginia abgerundet wurde.
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