Padron Churchill
Vitola: Churchill
Lunghezza: 174 mm
Cepo: 46
Diametro: Ø 18.2 mm
Paese di produzione: Nicaragua
Wrapper/Capa/Fascia: Nicaragua
Binder/Capote/Sottofascia: Nicaragua
Filler/Tripa/Ripieno: Nicaragua
Forza: media
Durata della fumata: 100’
Confezionamento: box da 25 sigari
Prezzo attuale: box € 262,50 / singolo sigaro € 10,50
Cod. ADM: 16541 (non più distribuito in Italia)
Prefazione del produttore
Founded in 1964 and evolving throughout our history, the Padrón Series today consists of fifteen medium- to full-bodied, long-filler cigars ranging from the Cortico to the large size Magnum. A beautifully balanced and full-bodied smoke of exceptional quality and value, the Padrón line is aged for a minimum of two-and-one-half years. As with all of our exceptional cigar offerings, this line is hand crafted using only sun-grown tobacco.