Cornell & Diehl Bed & Breakfast
Info brand
Two Friends Pipe Tobaccos were created as a collaboration between the owner/blender of Cornell & Diehl, the late Craig Tarler, and Gregory Pease, whose G.L. Pease blends are manufactured by C&D. The unique tastes and perspectives of these two experienced masters allowed them to create singular blends, unlike anything else available.
Prefazione del produttore
Red and bright yellow Virginias are combined with fine Oriental leaf, toasted Cavendish, and just a bit of rich Latakia. Bed & Breakfast is wonderful for a morning or all-day smoke.
Contenuto dichiarato: Cavendish, Latakia, Orientali, Virginia
Tipo miscela: modern english mixture
Taglio: ribbon
Forza: media
Complessità aromatica: medio/bassa
Tipo di fumata: superflua
Confezione: latte da 2 e 8 once
Prezzo attuale: non in vendita in Italia / USA $13.50 / $42.00