CAO Amazon Basin cover

CAO Amazon Basin

Vitola disponibili: toro e rothschild
Paese di produzione: Nicaragua
Manifattura: STG Estelí
Wrapper/Capa/Fascia: Ecuadorian Sumatra
Binder/Capote/Sottofascia: Nicaragua
Filler/Tripa/Ripieno: Brazilian Braganca, Colombia, Rep. Dominicana
Confezionamento: box da 18 e 50 sigari
Cod. ADM: 20929 90930


Prefazione del produttore
CAO Amazon Basin uses a rare tobacco called Bragança that is organically grown on unspoiled tropical rainforest land. CAO Amazon Basin tastes as exotic as the tropical rainforest from which it originated. Grown in a remote region in the Amazon Rainforest, Amazon Basin uses a rare tobacco called Bragança that is organically grown on unspoiled tropical land and only harvested once every three years. This Bragança leaf is masterfully blended with tobaccos from five different countries, giving you a smoking experience unlike any other.

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