Butera’s Royal Vintage Matured Ribbon cover

Butera’s Royal Vintage Matured Ribbon

Contenuto dichiarato: Virginia
Tipo miscela: base Virginia
Taglio: ribbon
Forza: media
Complessità aromatica: discreta
Tipo di fumata: disimpegnata
Confezione: latte da 50 gr.
Prezzo attuale: non più in produzione
Cod. AAMS: non in vendita in Italia

Butera Royal Vintage Matured Ribbon tin

Prefazione del produttore
A select combination of three distinctly different matured Virginia, including a bright, zesty lemon, sun-dappled red, and a sweet, delicious, slow-stoved black. All are first, well-aged apart, then pressed together into cakes to develop this full-flavored, savory, smooth, balanced blend. Cut and spun to ribbon form. Mature Ribbon delivers a bounty of soft, rich aromas and tastes, with alluring, spicy tart overtures. A truly rare and elegant pleasure to experience. . . Easy to pack. . . Cool smoking throughout.

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