Contenuto dichiarato: Kentucky, Virginia
Tipo miscela: tradizionale francese
Taglio: shag
Forza: media
Complessità aromatica: bassa
Tipo di fumata: disimpegnata
Confezione: busta da 40 gr.
Prezzo attuale: non in vendita in Italia
Prefazione del produttore
A typical Dutch blend based on the finest Virginia and Dark Fired Kentucky tobaccos.
The Virginia tobacco origins from 2 continents and adds a natural sweetness to the blend. The Dark Fired Kentucky contributes to taste with a slight smoky note due to the fire-curing.
Different tobaccos each with their own distinctiveness are masterly blended to perfection to create the greatness in Amsterdamer. The blend is a loose cut pipe tobacco which makes it easy for the pipe smoker to handle.