GL Pease Union Square cover

G.L. Pease Union Square

Contenuto dichiarato: Virginia
Tipo miscela: base Virginia
Taglio: flake
Confezione: latte da 57 gr
Prezzo attuale: Germania €22,90
Cod. ADM: non in vendita in Italia

G.L. Pease Union Square tin

Prefazione del produttore
A blended, sliced cake of high-grade flue-cured leaf, from beautiful sweet brights to deep, earthy reds, without the added sugars and flavorings common to many Virginia flakes. It is rich on the palate, evolving in layers with the clean, natural sweetness of pure tobaccos. It offers a pleasant room note and a delightful finish. For those seeking the pure Virginia experience, we proudly present Union Square.

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